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How to care for bathroom plants

If your bathroom has a lot of natural light, it can be fun to give it a touch of green with plants suited to a damp environment. Here are some tips to ensure they thrive.

Account for ventilation Since bathrooms are humid, you need to consider air circulation as you decide on plant placement. If the room isn’t well ventilated, some species may add to the humidity and cause mould and mildew to grow.

Opt for plants that dehumidify the air such as ivy or orchids. Tillandsia is also a lovely choice. Commonly known as air plants, these beauties don’t require soil and can be displayed as a hanging arrangement or in a glass jar.

Evaluate your available space

If your bathroom is relatively large, you have a lot of freedom to choose your plants and can mix things up with a variety of species and sizes. If your space is limited, however, you should choose small plants that can be suspended or placed on a windowsill. Consider buying a spider plant, dwarf fig tree or pothos.

The secret to keeping a plant healthy is to provide it with the correct doses of sunlight, water and warmth. When you visit your local garden centre, be sure to determine the needs of the species you like before deciding to bring it home.





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