Community News



1. Not busy 5. Booby ____ 9. Request 12. Mate for mama 13. Determination 14. Pizza ____ 15. Air heroes 16. Woodwind 17. Nose around 18. Camping shelter 19. Exhibition 21. Kick out 25. House sites 28. Unpleasant sight 31. Burst of flame 32. Spar 33. Share equally 35. Pool stick 36. Strength 38. Chuckled 40. Large truck 41. Certain apartment 42. Small measure 44. Bother 48. Personal 50. Bank deal 53. Angel’s headgear 54. Charge for use 55. Yen 56. Tied, as a score 57. Provided with

food 58. Garden produce 59. Cincinnati team


1. Petty quarrel 2. Add liquor to 3. Exposed 4. Squanders 5. Duo 6. Poke fun at 7. Up high 8. Appeal 9. Come closer 10. Mister 11. Anthem poet 20. Sickly 22. Beatle Lennon 23. Historical period 24. Stringed

instrument 26. Devoted 27. Kernel 28. Recedes 29. Ancient times 30. Inspected 31. Quarrel 34. Moving truck 37. Gain victory 39. Burrowing rodent 41. Routine task 43. Heavy stick 45. Overhanging roof

part 46. Husky’s burden 47. Coal measures 48. Switch word 49. Petite 51. Mature 52. Court divider





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