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Expert tips for maintaining your flooring

Have you nished most of your spring cleaning but haven’t washed your oors? Here are a few tips for maintaining your ooring without damaging it.

• Ceramic tiles. Clean the grout lines with a product speci cally designed for this purpose. After letting the product soak in, scrub the grout with a clean brush or cloth and rinse. You can easily clean the surface of the tiles with a mixture of water and white vinegar.

• Vinyl. This popular material is easy to care for and will look new for years. Gently mop the oor with a vinyl cleaner to remove grime. Then, rinse with clean water and let dry.

• Floating floor. This type of ooring is practical and attractive but vulnerable to moisture. Therefore, avoid soaking it with water when washing it. Purchase a product designed for oating oors. Follow the instructions to restore your oor to its former glory.

• Hardwood. Restore the shine of this elegant material with an environmentally friendly, no-rinse cleaner. That way, you won’t leave behind streaks or residue. Avoid using scouring pads and other aggressive tools to remove stains. These items could damage the oor’s nish.

Visit local stores to nd products and accessories to make your oors shine.





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