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A short guide to detached, terraced and semi-detached houses

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Are you shopping for a property? Whether you’re doing the research yourself or with the help of a real estate professional, it’s helpful to know the vocabulary associated with different types of homes. Here’s a clear and concise guide to three of the most popular home categories.

Detached single family

As the name suggests, a detached single-family home is a dwelling that’s not attached to any other residential building. It can be a single-storey, multi-storey or split-level home. It usually has a large lot and an attractive resale value.


Terraced homes are adjacent to one or more residential buildings. They often have multiple shared walls but remain single-family properties. Units connected in this way typically have the same architectural style. If several houses are joined together, they’re called townhouses or row houses. Depending on the type of shared wall, you could save money on your heating and cooling bills.


Semi-detached homes, also called duplexes, are similar to terraced homes but only share one common wall with one other home. A wall, garage, covered walkway or another architectural feature can connect the two homes. Semi-detached houses are economical and have all the advantages of terraced homes. However, since you only have one neighbour, they’re often quieter.

Which type of home is right for you? Contact a real estate professional in your area.





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